Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Class 29 - Health pot, pots

Post 112

Health pot, pots
Today I wanted to create another way to obtain health pots other then killing enemies. So what other way to do that then. Well. Having more pots, that drop health pots. Now this doesn't mean like little pots like the health pot that drops the health pots. This means big pots like this.

So if I have a bunch of these pots laying around the level, with the chance to have health pots in them. The the player will have two ways to obtain some more health. However this class I didn't get enough time to finish up putting the code together for the pot because I had to show Justin how my camera worked by following both the player and the cursor giving him sort of a run down on who I made it, and how he should make it. Along with that I showed him the screen shake.
But before the bell rang I managed to finish up the visual aspect of pots.

Now... Im aware it doesn't look that good. But that is because my game is using very very tiny pixel graphics. So here is a smaller picture of it to show you how it increases in quality as it gets smaller.

And here is the animated version, for when it falls over.

Tomorrow I will implement the random dropping of items from the pots, and maybe even add enemies that can be found hiding inside them.

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