Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Class 38 - Finishing Impacts

Post 121

Finishing Impacts

Today I am going to try to fix the scale up on the enemies. So basically what I am going to do is quite simple, I plan on taking the code that makes the enemy flash red and then return to its normal colour also change the size of the enemy. I'm not exactly sure why I completely over looked this last time. But I already made a code that activates something for a second or two after the hit has been detected. So I am under the impression all I will have to do is insert a bit of code into two different places. One being where the enemy is set to red , and the other being when the enemy is set back to its default colour.

For the sake of the blog I exaggerated the size increase from a 1.1 to a 1.5. Which doesn't look or sound like a big difference but in fact is very, very different. The reason I did this is because the GIF's quality is not the finest and it would make it significantly harder to notice the change if left at the default amount.
Next class I will work on creating more sound effects for my game. And of course finally putting them in the form of a link so you readers can hear them.

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